It is time for a new round of elections to the EURAMAS board. This year, we need to replace 6 board members. The candidates for the 6 positions are listed below, along with their short bios. Elections will take place online on April 8th, 2022. Voting instructions will be sent to the EURAMAS members.
The EURAMAS 2022 Elections Committee
Georgios Chalkiadakis
Louise Dennis
Umberto Grandi
Viviana Mascardi
CANDIDATE: Dorothea Baumeister
AFFILIATION: Heinrich-Heine-University Duesseldorf, Germany
Dorothea Baumeister studied Computer Science at the University of Duesseldorf in Germany and the University of Nantes in France. She completed her PhD at the University of Duesseldorf in 2012. Since 2013 she is an assistant professor at the same university. She works in the interdisciplinary field computational social choice which lies at the interface between computer science and social choice theory. Her main interest is the axiomatic and algorithmic analysis of problems that arise in the context of collective decision-making with a special focus on voting, judgement aggregation, and abstract argumentation. She is one of the chairs of EUMAS 2022, which will be held at the University of Duesseldorf.
CANDIDATE: Dave de Jonge
Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA-CSIC), Barcelona, Spain
Dave de Jonge (1984) is a researcher in Multi-agent Systems from Amsterdam, The Netherlands. He obtained his master's degree in Mathematical Physics in 2008 at the Universiteit van Amsterdam, under supervision of Robbert Dijkgraaf, and he received his PhD in Artificial Intelligence in 2015 at the IIIA-CSIC in Barcelona. under supervision of Carles Sierra. After his PhD he went to Australia where he worked as a postdoctoral researcher and later as associate lecturer at Western Sydney University. In 2018 he returned to the IIIA-CSIC in Barcelona to work there again as a postdoc.
His expertise is in automated negotiation and his research focuses on complex negotiation domains where the number of possible deals is astronomically large and where calculating the utility value of even a single deal is already a computationally complex task. His algorithms combine negotiation techniques with logic, game theory, general game playing, or constraint optimization and he has applied this to artificial test cases such as the game of Diplomacy, as well as to real-world industrial vehicle routing problems.
He acted as the organizer of the Diplomacy League at the Automated Negotiating Agents Competition (ANAC) of 2017, 2018 and 2019 at IJCAI, as a Thematic Track Chair of Multi-Agent Systems: Theory and Applications (MASTA@EPIA 2019), and as the Program Chair of The 7th international conference on Agreement Technologies (AT 2020). Furthermore, he has won several awards, such as the first prize in the Computational Diplomacy Challenge at the ICGA Computer Olympiad in 2015, the second prize at ANAC 2014, a best paper award at the 29th Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI 2016), a best paper award at the 3rd International Conference on Agreement Technologies (AT 2015) and a 'best early career researcher paper' at the 6th International Conference on Agreement Technologies (AT 2018).
CANDIDATE: Piotr Faliszewski
Department of Computer Science, AGH University, Kraków, Poland
Piotr Faliszewski works in the area of computational social choice, with a particular focus on algorithmic aspects of collective decision making, voting and elections. He is an author of over 40 journal papers and nearly 100 conference ones. His work on the complexity of elections had won him Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and his work on multiwinner elections has lead to his ongoing ERC Consolidator grant PRAGMA. He has supervised three PhD students and over 20 Masters students. He was a co-chair of COMSOC-2012, MFCS-2016, and is a PC co-chair of AAMAS-2022. He was a (senior) PC member of numerous editions of AI conferences, such as AAAI, IJCAI and AAMAS, as well as a number of those focused on theoretical computer science. Piotr Faliszewski obtained his PhD in 2009 at the University of Rochester, USA, under the supervision of Prof. Lane A. Hemaspaandra. Since that time he is working at the AGH University, where he obtained his habilitation and full professorship.
CANDIDATE: Rustam Galimullin
Institute of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
I received my PhD from the University of Nottingham, UK, working under the supervision of Natasha Alechina on dynamic epistemic logic. Currently, I am a postdoc, and focus on dynamic epistemic and coalition logics, and their applications to social networks and blockchains.
CANDIDATE: Henrique Lopes Cardoso
University of Porto, Portugal
Henrique Lopes Cardoso has a PhD on Informatics Engineering (2011) from the University of Porto. He is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Informatics Engineering (DEI) of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto (FEUP), where he teaches several under- and post-graduate courses on intelligent systems, including AI, Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, and Natural Language Processing. He is a senior researcher and member of the directive board of the Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science Lab (LIACC). He is vice-president of the Portuguese Association for Artificial Intelligence (APPIA). His main research interests include multi-agent systems, natural language processing, and machine learning.
He has participated in several national and international research projects and networks, including LITHME, DARGMINTS, SIMUSAFE, SINTELNET, and Agreement Technologies.
He organized several conferences and workshops, including EPIA 2021, EPIA 2017, several MASTA tracks (Multi-Agent Systems: Theory and Applications), and the TINMAS@PAAMS2012 track (Trust, Incentives and Norms in open Multi-Agent Systems). He organized the 22nd European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS 2021). He served as PC member in several international conferences and workshops, including IJCAI-ECAI 2022, IJCAI 2021, AAMAS 2022, AAMAS 2021, AAMAS 2020, AAMAS 2019, AAMAS 2016, AAMAS 2013, ACM SAC 2022, ACM SAC 2021, ICAART 2022, ICAART 2021, ICAART 2020, ICAART 2019, ICAART 2018, WI-IAT 2021, WI-IAT 2020, EMNLP 2021, PAAMS 2021, PAAMS 2020, PAAMS 2019, PAAMS 2018, PAAMS 2017, EPIA 2021, EPIA 2019, EPIA 2017, EPIA 2015, EPIA 2013, AACL-IJCNLP 2020, ECAI 2020, AT 2020.
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
SHORT BIO: Ann Nowé is a full professor and director of the AI lab at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Her research interests include reinforcement learning, multi-agent systems, game theory, optimization, and their applications. Application areas include telecom, robotics, epidemics, smart appliances and smarts grids. She is the leader of challenge on Multi-agent systems in the Flemish AI initiative, and one of the scientific leaders of FARI, The Artificial Intelligence for the Common Good Institute in Brussels.
Her research output includes 250+ co-authored articles in international journals and proceedings of international conferences, as well as the organization of tutorials and workshops at international conferences, including: AAMAS, ICML, EASSS and ECML. She supervised more than 15 PhDs related to learning agents. She has also served in the program committee of several international conferences including: AAMAS, ANTS, ICML, ECML, IJCAI and was a reviewer for 10+ journals, publishers and funding agencies including FWO, IWT, NWO, ESPRC and EU. She is an Associate Editors of JAAMAS. She was a local organiser of EUMAS 2005, and PC chair of AAMAS 2021, together with Ulle Endris. She was a board member of ECCAI (European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence) and the chairman of the BNVKI (BeNeLux association for Artificial Intelligence), and is a currently a board member of IFAAMAS.
CANDIDATE: Frans Oliehoek
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Dr. Frans A. Oliehoek is Associate Professor at Delft University of Technology, where he leads a group on interactive learning and decision making, and is one of the scientific directors of the Mercury machine learning lab. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science (2010) from the University of Amsterdam (UvA), and held positions at various universities including MIT, Maastricht University and the University of Liverpool. Frans' research interests revolve around intelligent systems that learn about their environment via interaction, building on techniques from machine learning, AI and game theory. He has served as PC/SPC/AC at top-tier venues in AI and machine learning, and currently serves as associate editor for JAIR. He received the best PC-member award at AAMAS 2012, and was awarded a number of research grants, including a prestigious ERC Starting Grant for his project “INFLUENCE: Influence-based Decision-making in Uncertain Environments”.
CANDIDATE: Alessandro Ricci
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, Italy
Alessandro Ricci is an associate professor of University of Bologna, Department on Computer Science and Engineering (DISI), teaching at Cesena Campus.
He has been contributing to the Agents and Multiagent Systems community for about 20 years, mostly to Engineering MAS topics, agent-oriented and Multi-Agent Oriented programming in particular.
In these 20 years, besides regularly contributing with papers to main conferences such as AAMAS and EUMAS, as well as on journals such as JAAMAS, KER, and IJAOSE, he served also as member of Program Committees of different workshops (EMAS, COIN, ProMAS to mention some), as well as organiser of editions of some workshops (e.g. EMAS and ProMAS). He is part of the Senior Committee of the EMAS. He has been contributing to EASSS in different editions, co-authoring tutorials about AOP/MAP. In 2020, he served as co-program chair of the Blue Sky Track @ AAMAS and in 2023 he will be co-program chair of AAMAS.
CANDIDATE: Valentin Robu
Intelligent and Autonomous Systems (IAS) Group
CWI, Dutch National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Algorithmics Group, EEMCS
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), The Netherlands
I am a senior (tenured) researcher in the Intelligent and Autonomous Systems (IAS) Group at CWI, Dutch National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, as well as a part-time associate professor in the Algorithmics Group at TU Delft.
As a short career history, before coming [back] to CWI in October 2020, I was an associate professor and co-founder of the Smart Systems Group at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, UK (2014-2020), and a senior research fellow at the University of Southampton, in the group of Nick Jennings (2009-2014). I completed my PhD at CWI between 2004-2009, and my MSc at the VU Amsterdam in 2003. I was also a visiting fellow in the EconCS group at Harvard University in the Fall of 2015 (working with David Parkes), and a visiting scientist in the Collective Intelligence group at MIT, where since 2018, I have an ongoing affiliation.
Broadly speaking my research interests are in the area of agent-mediated electronic markets, ranging from designing individual agent negotiation and bidding strategies, to use of mechanism design to design efficient allocation mechanisms for self-interested agents. Recently, a large part of my research focused on applying these techniques to modeling decentralised energy systems and smart grids. My work spans a range of techniques from the fundamental level of using algorithmic game theoretic techniques to design interaction between strategic agents, to more applied, learning-driven and simulation-driven methods.
I have been deeply involved in the multi-agent community since the beginning of my PhD, and published over 150 papers in top-ranked journals and conferences, since my first student paper at AAMAS 2004. Over the years I have co-organised a number of very successful AAMAS workshops on automated negotiation and agent-mediated electronic commerce, as well as giving an AAMAS tutorial on multi-agent negotiation. In terms of involvement in the European multi-agent activities, I have been involved in giving tutorials in my areas of interest (agent-mediated electronic markets, smart energy systems) at two European Summer Schools on multi-agent systems and AI in Chania in 2013 and 2019. Through being a candidate member for the EURAMAS board, I look forward to being more involved in community activities, for example by helping to organise events, encouraging a young and diverse community of researchers enter the field, or creating links with other research communities, such as smart energy/smart grid community, where techniques developed in multi-agent systems are increasingly important.
CANDIDATE: Luca Sabatucci
CNR (the Italian National Research Council), ICAR institute, with base in Palermo (Italy)
Luca Sabatucci got his Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Palermo (Italy) in 2008. He worked as post-doc at the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) in Trento from 2009 to 2011 and at the Italian National Research Council (CNR) in Palermo (Italy) from 2012 to 2016. He got a permanent position at CNR in 2018. Sabatucci‘s principal interests are about Self-Adaptive Systems and Requirements Engineering, working in the bridge between Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering. He is the author of about sixty papers on these topics, with a total citation index of 946/454 (scholar/scopus) and h-index 15/12 (scholar/scopus). Sabatucci was PC member of several international conferences and workshops, whereas he was involved in the organization of the Requirement Engineering conference in 2011, the Smart Environments and Information Systems series in 2016 and 2017, and was one of the local organizers of the WOA workshop in 2018.
CANDIDATE: Nikolaos Spanoudakis
School of Production Engineering and Management, Technical University of Crete, Greece
Lifelong Vocational Training Center, Technical University of Crete, Greece
Argument Theory, France
Nikolaos Spanoudakis currently holds a tenured laboratory teaching position at the School of Production Engineering and Management of the Technical University of Crete in Greece. He is also serving as the Director of the Life-Long Learning Centre of the University. He is co-founder and the Chief Technology Officer of the Argument Theory in Paris, France, a start up company uniquely offering argumentation-based automated decision making as a service. He has a diploma in Computer Engineering and Informatics from the University of Patras, Greece, an MSc in Organization and Management from the Techincal University of Crete and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Paris (Paris-V). His research interests are in the areas of Artificial Intelligence and Multi-agent Systems and mainly in Agent Oriented Software Engineering, Engineering Intelligent Information Systems and Applications of AI and Argumentation in the areas of Ambient Intelligence (IoT), financial, e-commerce and infomobility (nomad) services. He is a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and elected member of the board of the Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society (EETN), the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE-TCG). He has experience as information systems architect, designer and developer, technical manager, project manager and Information Technology and Services consultant. For more information visit
CANDIDATE: Nimrod Talmon
Ben-Gurion University, Israel
I am a tenured assistant professor in Ben-Gurion University. My main research is in computational social choice, combinatorial optimization, and decentralized governance. I am regularly publishing in venues such as AAAI, IJCAI, and AAMAS, and serving as PC or SPC in these conferences. I was involved in organizing COMSOC 21 and served as the organizer and chair of EUMAS 21. I have Erdos number 3, Sabbath number 7, and, arguably, Bacon number 6.
European Summer School on Multiagent Systems (EASSS)
European Conference on Multiagent Systems (EUMAS)
The web page is hosted at DIBRIS, University of Genova, since April 2021, and is maintained by the current EURAMAS Secretary, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Technical University of Crete, Greece